2020-10-Owner-Header_Berlekamp.jpgNew Tunies are ready to make Cleveland homeowners’ kitchen dreams into realities. Meet Kitchen Tune-Up Cleveland West owners Jim and Dawn Berlekamp, who recently opened their doors.

With more than 25 years of information technology experience, Jim is used to leading teams and managing projects. He finds that his background makes him detail-oriented—a quality he applies to his new career with Kitchen Tune-Up. Dawn’s career in human resources means she’s great at listening to people’s goals, like their plans for kitchen improvements.

Their own positive experiences with remodeling their kitchen inspired them. “We want to bring that same excitement to our customers,” Jim says.

“An Abundance of Support”

“We were looking for a new challenge where we could put our strengths to use to help other people,” Jim says. “We were interested in building a business and Kitchen Tune-Up stood out for its unique and replicable system with an abundance of support from the franchisor.”

The greatest benefit of choosing a franchise as their next move is that they’re working for themselves, Jim and Dawn note. They—not someone else—will benefit from their work.

“We wanted to control our destiny by going into business for ourselves, and of the options, we looked at, Kitchen Tune-Up came to the top of the list for the praises we heard about the system,” Jim says. The couple also notes that current Kitchen Tune-Up owners gave the company “good reviews” for its profitability and positive feedback about support from the Home Office. All those factors influenced the Berlekamps to choose Kitchen Tune-Up.

A Foundation for Business

Jim advises potential franchisees to check out the Kitchen Tune-Up opportunity. If you think you lack the “right” experience to run a kitchen renovation business, think again, he advises. “We learned that we had more of a foundation for operating a business than we may have originally thought,” Jim says.

The Berlekamps understand homeowners’ needs and how Kitchen Tune-Up can meet those needs efficiently. “Raising a family of our own taught us that life can be hectic, especially when you add in a major home project,” they tell customers. Kitchen Tune-Up’s ability to do renovations in one to five days is a perfect solution for busy families.

To see what Jim, Dawn and the team at Cleveland West are working on, visit their website today.

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