Embracing Virtual Training in Arvada, CO

2020_6_Taylor_Header-01.jpgAJ and Judy Taylor, owners of Kitchen Tune-Up Arvada, CO.

When AJ Taylor and Judy Dawson-Taylor joined the Kitchen Tune-Up family with a franchise in Arvada, CO, they initially considered postponing their Kitchen Tune-Up training. The pandemic meant that new owners’ training was all online. The Taylors thought about waiting until they could train in person at the Home Office in Aberdeen, South Dakota.

Now the Taylors say they’re glad they gave the virtual training a chance because they were ready to start their business! They initially looked into franchising because they wanted better control of their life and financial stability, wanted to leave a legacy for their children, and give back to their community.

“The online training was way beyond expectations,” AJ says. “The format is like a puzzle, one piece at a time. As impatient as I am with wanting to get my business going, the pieces of the puzzle all came together to enable that process and show the steps to success.”

Judy notes that training at home has its distractions, and training on-site is more immersive. But she adds that being able to train at home right now just “made life easier.”

AJ says the new franchise training was “fantastic and very easily followed.” The technical side—understanding materials and processes—was a little tougher virtually but being able to call into the Home Office to discuss those parts of the business in more detail has more than made up for it. He says that virtual training is “highly recommended.”

How has Kitchen Tune-Up created virtual training that keeps the personal touch?

We replaced eight days of in-person training with nine shortened days of online seminars. “Zoom fatigue” is real. With more, but shorter, training days, owners spend less time looking at their computer screen.

Our sessions are as interactive as possible. Trainees see trainers move, gesture, and demonstrate with samples—it’s more like watching the instructor in a real classroom. Trainers see all participants and respond to questions in real-time.

Owners still get hands-on experience. We ship you more than a dozen boxes before you train. You open each box on a specified training day. They’re full of samples and tools just like we would pass around during classroom training.

You’re assigned a mentor on day one, so a Home Office coach is ready to answer your unique questions. You’ll have one-on-one mentoring sessions at the end of each training day.

If you want help, we’ll do breakout Zoom “rooms.” It’s like having the trainer look over your shoulder to offer help.

You’ll still do a practice Tune-Up to hone your skills.

We pick up the tab for delivered lunches. If you were at headquarters, we’d treat you to lunch. We’re glad to do the same for you wherever you live.

Going virtual has made refresher training easier for current owners, too. They can hop online at home for updates on suppliers, technologies, or business practices.

If you want to learn more about AJ and Judy and Kitchen Tune-Up Arvada, CO check out their website and Facebook page!

If you are interested in paving your own future in franchising with Kitchen Tune-Up, visit our website at ktufranchise.com.

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