Marty Ceranec, long-time Kitchen Tune-Up franchise owner kindly contributes to our national newsletter and our blog. He calls these an “Interview with a Tunie, By a Tunie.”

This interview features Matt & Tara Layette:

This is the first interview “With a Tunie by A Tunie” that features a Baby Tunie!  Matt & Tara Layette reside in Fort Collins, CO (about 50 miles north of Denver) and started with the Kitchen Tune-Up system in March 2014. Matt travels constantly for his corporate job.  Matt and Tara are in their 30’s and bring a lot of business experience to their franchise.

Q. For a new Tunie, you got off to a great start.  Are you surprised?
A.  It was what we thought and hoped it would be.  Before I went to Training School, I had people in place to get started upon my return from training.

Q. You have a full-time job in which you travel most of the week.  How is your business set up?
A. Sales and operations are run by a long-time associate (Kent) with whom I speak several times during the day.  My project manager/technician (Alex) handles the installations and the clients love him!  (Editor’s note—doesn’t everybody love Tunies?!)

Q. What did you do in the sales/advertising department to bring in leads?
A.  By far the best for us in closing sales are mailers (Money Mailer and Home Magazine) and online leads (campaign with Kitchen Tune-Up’s digital marketing vendor).  In a college town (Colorado State), having an online presence is huge.

Q. What was the best part of your first National Reunion?
A. Definitely meeting other owners and learning their best practices.  I did spend a lot of time with Noah Liberatore, who is my nearest Kitchen Tune-Up neighbor.

Q. What brought you to our system?
A. I actively searched online for low-cost franchising opportunities and up popped Kitchen Tune-Up. It seemed to fit in well with my interests and background, and here I am with my first year recently completed.

Q. Is your wife Tara involved in the business?
A. With me being gone most of the time, Tara is my eyes and ears for the daily activity.  She is my watchdog!  Although, we do have a young family (one little one and another one on the way due June 29), so she already has a full plate.

Q. Are you hoping to do Kitchen Tune-Up full-time?
A. Of course that’s in the plans.  We want to expand to Cheyenne, MY, and Boulder, CO in the future and hire more employees.  Then I think my full-time attention will be required.

Q. Any spare time activities?
A. We do like to head to the mountains to chill every now and then.

Q. What is your favorite color?
A. Green!


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