The Best Advice for Someone Taking the Leap and Buying Their Own Franchise


“My advice would be to start by acting as though you already ARE a franchise owner. Talk to your friends and neighbors about their kitchens. Go to your local Chamber of Commerce and have a conversation. Go to a home show and talk to the kitchen folks. Get as much information as you can from as many sources as you can.”

Great advice coming from Jack Stritch, local owner of Kitchen Tune-Up Franklin, TN. Before owning his franchise, Jack spent 35 years in the plastics industry working in various roles in sales marketing and product development. His previous career has given him a knack for listening to customers and seeking out the best solution available, which translates well to his new role.

Jack made the leap and bought his own franchise because he really wanted to give back, in a meaningful way, and contribute significantly to his community. He says, “What better way than to help my neighbors improve the look and value of their homes? It also gives me an opportunity to provide meaningful work for our local veterans and young folk and support other local businesses.”

To learn more about Jack and Kitchen Tune-Up Franklin, TN visit their website and Facebook page.

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